Make the most money selling directly to readers
BookShop is your one-stop-shop to sell both eBooks and printed books straight to readers. With BookShop, you can earn more profits, get paid faster, grow your audience, and maintain total control of your page content. And best of all: it’s free to all King Rush Publishing distributed authors.
BookShop is your free online storefront exclusive to King Rush Publishing authors. Setting up your page only takes a few minutes: Most of your important content is preloaded from the initial sign up process. All of your book’s vital information is prominently showcased and you can make updates anytime you like.
How much more can you make selling your printed book on BookShop? See for yourself:
BookShop is your free online storefront exclusive to King Rush Publishing authors. Setting up your page only takes a few minutes: Most of your important content is preloaded from the initial sign up process. All your book’s vital information is prominently showcased and you can make updates anytime you like.
Your Selling Price | Amazon Basic | Amazon Extended | KRP POD | BookShop POD |
$9.99 | $3.34 | $1.34 | $1.35 | $5.00 |
$19.99 | $4.14 | $0.14 | $2.07 | $10.00 |
$24.99 | Doesn’t distribute | Doesn’t distribute | $2.70 | $12.50 |
New Tools. More Control. Better BookShop.
King Rush Publishing BookShop is not just another online bookstore. Besides paying the highest margins anywhere we’ve built in special features to give authors a stronger online presence and greater chance for book sales:
- New! Collect buyer email addresses
Readers can opt in to share their email address with the author when they buy your book, allowing you to build your reader database. - Easily Promote Your Book With Our Link Generator
Create a banner link to promote your BookShop page on your personal website. - Searchable Storefront
Readers can quickly and easily search (and shop) for your book titles. Take a look at the new BookShop Store. - Create Custom Sale Coupons
Use coupons and discounts to create custom promotions and sell more books. - See Inside Previews
Give readers a taste of your book with our “See Inside” feature. - Customized Book Overview
A brief description of two to five lines—just enough to whet a potential reader’s appetite.
- Provide Your Own Book Description
This section expands on the overview, adding more detail about why the reader will love the book. - Write Your Own Bio
Who are you? Why are you the best one to write this particular story? Are your education, lifestyle, and job relevant to your book? It all goes here. - Link to Your Other Titles
Showcase your other book titles on your page. - Book Reviews
Add credibility with author-approved book reviews. - Genre and Subgenre Categories
Your book is listed in the right genre, plus in the most specific subgenre possible—making it more likely to achieve a higher-selling status in that category. - Advertise Your Book on Facebook
For an additional fee, King Rush Publishing team of experts will design your ad, create a custom target audience, build your campaign, direct buyers to your BookShop page, and report your results.
BookShop Promotion Bundle
A $399 value only available with the Deluxe Self-Publishing Package. Our bundle puts your book front and center:
- As a New Release on the front page of the BookShop Store for one week.
- In a BookShop Discovery email sent to thousands of book buyers browsing for new titles.
- On the popular BookShop Facebook feed with a direct link to your sales page.
What else can you do with BookShop?
- Six new layout themes that include center or left alignment and light, dark, or neutral backgrounds.
- A large, customizable header that ties your page content together
- A giant display of your book cover, instantly communicating your book’s themes.
- In-depth Book Overview, Description, and About the Author sections, where you have total control over the content.
- Link back to your main website for more information about you.
- All of your metadata under one roof, including your ISBN, genre, publish date, and more.
- Fast and easy customization and editing.
- Mobile-friendly compatibility: Readers can enjoy your page on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
- Direct sales to your readers!
- The ability to take credit cards. Link your website to your BookShop page for quick & easy credit card and Paypal sales.
When you sell your eBook with BookShop:
- Readers can enjoy your eBook in multiple formats (ePub, mobi, and PDF).
- Set your own price and earn 85% of your retail sales.
- Readers can choose where to purchase your eBook—through King Rush Publishing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other popular retailers.
When you sell your printed book with BookShop:
- You can make up to 3X as much on retail sales in comparison to other online retail outlets.
- You get paid faster. We’ll deposit your money within one week of purchase.
- Your book is guaranteed to always be in stock.
- Your book is up for sale quickly – usually within 10 days of your finalized book production order.
Print-On-Demand is now available on BookShop
All King Rush Publishing authors can sell their printed books directly to readers from their own BookShop page. With Print-On-Demand, your book is always available in print. All day. Every day. Guaranteed.
- You can make up to 50% of your retail price in comparison to other online retail outlets.
- You get paid weekly.
- Your book is guaranteed to always be in stock.
Check out some of our authors’ BookShop pages!
BookShop. It’s free. It’s awesome. It’s yours.
A page entirely dedicated to selling your book. Get your free King Rush Publishing BookShop page started today!